Messianic / Rabbinical / Scripture / Torah/Talmud/Mishna

Breaking the Rules, Part Four (One More Time Around the Mountain)

Yes, I know this could be an unfortunate subtitle, because taken literally it immediately invokes images of wandering Israelites, desert wilderness and manna from heaven and that is not at all what we will be exploring here. Nevertheless, I am sticking with it and using it in its metaphorical sense; we need to revisit all … Continue reading

Jewish Culture / Rabbinical / Torah/Talmud/Mishna

Breaking the Rules, Part Two (The Deacon and the Hat)

He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’  (Mark 7:6-7) Recall that Jewish tradition taught that the oral Torah was … Continue reading

Jewish Culture / Messianic / Rabbinical / Scripture / Torah/Talmud/Mishna

The Greatest Command, Part Two

In the previous blog (January 2014, “The Greatest Command, Part One), we established two things concerning Jesus’ answer to the question of which command is the greatest of all the commandments. First, we established that Jesus gives us one answer to this question (not two or three); the command to love God is the single … Continue reading